Aoc Education Degree - About every 10 minutes, someone knocks on the large wooden door of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's office on Capitol Hill. The noise freezes the workers. An almost harmless fan, one of many who arrive every day, leaving neon Post-it notes as an offering of worship. But during her first three months in Congress, aides said there were enough death threats against Ocasio-Cortez, and Capitol Police trained their officers to assess the risks of her guests.

This is the everyday reality of America's newest Rorschach test. The wonder woman of the left, the wicked witch of the right, Ocasio-Cortez has become the second most talked about politician in America after the President of the United States. Last June, the 29-year-old former bartender, who defeated 10th incumbent Joe Crowley for New York's 14th district in the Democratic Party primary, pressed candidates for the 2020 election. presidents to support his Green New Deal, implemented financial reforms and helped the media. Activists took out Amazon in Queens in a series of tweets. No MP in recent times has been so quick to turn a few votes into an important political and social vote. His Twitter following has grown from about 49,000 last summer to more than 3.5 million. Thousands of people watch her cook black soup or transplant houseplants on Instagram Live. As soon as she tweeted the name of her signature red lipstick - Beso, Stila - it sold out online.

Aoc Education Degree

Aoc Education Degree

He's also a new lawmaker trying to get his first full-time job. "I'm afraid to go outside," he says in his office one day in March, adjusting a black leather chair after a long day of subcommittee meetings. It's smaller than it looks on TV, uses light and is more careful. "I can't go anywhere in public and be alone without a lot of people watching everything I do."

Lay Off The Proto Fascism”: Aoc Flames Musk For Banning Accounts On Twitter

Ocasio-Cortez represents the Democratic Party's vision for the future. She is a young Spanish girl, the three cornerstones of the election team. He is a Democrat at a time when trust in capitalism is waning, especially among progressive millennials. The issues he fought for — the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, the federal job guarantee, getting rid of ICE — are inspiring a new generation of Democrats to act. It's a political event: A partisan congressman says he's the best storyteller in the party since Barack Obama and perhaps the only Democrat now with significant leverage to challenge President Donald Trump.

The woman everyone calls AOC is the villain on the right and the heroine on the left. He has replaced Hillary Clinton as the favorite punching bag of Fox News pundits and Republican senators, and he is hitting them hard. Ocasio-Cortez's public opinion has been tarnished because she is widely recognized; According to a February Gallup poll, 31% of Americans have an overall favorable view of him and 41% have an unfavorable view of him, a 15-point increase from September. The same poll showed that his popularity among Democrats and non-whites has increased. The Green New Deal proposal has sparked political debate on the left, but it has no chance of becoming law anytime soon. His party plans to promote a challenger to conservative and inflexible Democrats, which has alienated Ocasio-Cortez and made him an enemy of some of his colleagues. Many Democrats are upset about his popularity and worry it will overshadow efforts to reach the moderate voters who propelled the party to a majority. Privately, some admit that they are also afraid of him.

That's because Ocasio-Cortez threatens that status quo by fueling youth impatience with Bernie Sanders in 2016. for popular policies like Medicare for All and free public college. Like Sanders, he seems to care more about the movement than the election; it's not about changing seats and votes, it's about winning hearts and minds. His is a politics of opportunity, not practicality. He said: “It is now five years since this law was completed. "So everything we present should consider 2025 or our children." He is not thinking about how to keep the Democratic majority for two more years; he wonders how he will define the strategy for the next twenty years.

The congresswoman poses with education advocate Maria Bautista, center, and New York State Sen. Jessica Ramos as they leave the education hall in Jackson Heights, Queens.

Aoc Inspirational Quotes And Biography

That's a big change from a party that has spent the past decade following increasingly conservative leaders like Obama and Hillary Clinton. Ocasio-Cortez is not alone in advocating for more progressive policies. It recasts the divide between left and center as a battle between the past and the future. "It's always about division in the Democratic Party, different opinions," he says in his office. "But I really think it's a generational difference. Because the America we grew up in is not the America our parents or grandparents grew up in."

In Ocasio-Cortez's office filing cabinet, next to a photo of her late father and a photo of her with a local Girl Scout troop, two books are awkwardly bound together. One of them is The Federalist, written extensively by James Madison and Alexander Hamilton and published in 1788. Another is No Inhabited Earth: Life After Warming, written 231 years later by journalist David Wallace-Wells. One side of the office has a leaning photo of Wonder Woman and the other a large cardboard cutout of Cardi B's face. On his desk was a handwritten note for the February meeting. ("I'll be the bad guy," he wrote in pencil.) More than $40 million. people watched a subsequent NowThis News video in which he questions government regulators about campaign finance laws.

Ocasio-Cortez was born in 1989, a few weeks before the fall of the Berlin Wall. George H.W. Bush is in his first year as president, Nancy Pelosi has just entered Congress, Sanders has lost two congressional races, and Joe Biden has just made his first bid for the presidency. During the financial boom of the 1990s, he was in elementary school eating Dunkaroos while adults watched Bill Clinton approve the budget on TV. "An entire generation that is now becoming one of the largest constituencies in America has come of age without seeing American progress," he says. "I've never seen or experienced that in my adult life."

Aoc Education Degree

He was born into a working-class family in the Parkchester section of the Bronx. His father owned a small construction company; Puerto Rican-born mother kept house. They are rooted in the neighborhood, but not afraid of its boundaries. Ocasio-Cortez told friends that she learned early on that wearing earrings and necklaces was cool in the Bronx, but she wouldn't be taken seriously if she wore them to a job interview. When he was about 5, the family moved to Yorktown Heights in western Westchester County so he and his brother could attend a better school, but they often returned to see the rest of their family. That 40-minute drive taught him how zip codes determine the future, he says. By the time she was in college, some of her cousins ​​already had children.

The Media's Lionization Of Aoc Proves Sizzle Always Valued Over Steak

Ocasio-Cortez describes herself as an "awkward kid" who asked for a microscope for her birthday. in 2007 A high school microbiology project on the effects of antioxidants on roundworm longevity won second place in the microbiology category at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. He often cleans the neighbors' houses with his mother, and wrote his college essay about how the two helped a bereaved husband in the only way they could — by cleaning out his refrigerator. He took out student loans to attend Boston University, which he graduated from in 2011. graduated and obtained a specialty in economics and international relations.

He recalls his father as his introduction to community planning. He died in college.

When Ocasio-Cortez was a teenager, her father was diagnosed with lung cancer. He visited her in the hospital before returning to Boston for the second year. He said: “I didn't know it would be the last time I spoke to my father, but when we spoke I felt like it. “I said, OK, but I think he knows and I know. So I started walking and he ran away and I turned to the door and he said, "Hey, be proud." "

He died about a week later in 2008. in autumn The death plunged the family into financial trouble as the economy dissolved; his mother took a job driving a school bus to avoid eviction from their home. After graduation, Ocasio-Cortez returned to the Bronx to work at a nonprofit school while bartending at a Manhattan taco bar. Many of his peers

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