Aoc Reelection Odds - Patrice Lee Onoka, a senior policy analyst at the Independent Women's Forum, said America allows people to achieve anything through determination and determination.

Despite extensive national media coverage, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. Re-election is not allowed.

Aoc Reelection Odds

Aoc Reelection Odds

At Saturday's launch party for his bid for a second term, the far-left congressman told supporters he wants to increase voter turnout in his Congressional District. 14th in New York compared to the previous year 2018. Increased "four times".

Aoc And Abby Finkenauer, Congress' Youngest Women, Show Democrat Split

According to New York radio station WINS, less than 12 Democrats in the district have placed Ocasio-Cortez in the June 23 primary. In addition, at least three Republicans will compete to win the seat in the end.

"The last election cycle, the first one as far as we know, the turnout was very low," he told a small gathering in Corona, Queens. "This year, we want to quadruple the number of voters. That's our goal. We want to get 60,000 votes in the primary. Now we have to start building the voting machines."

"This year, we want to quadruple the number of voters. That's our goal. We want to get 60,000 votes in the primary. Now we have to start building the voting machines." — U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY.

Ocasio-Cortez, 30, sent waves across the political world in 2018 when she defeated Rep. Longtime Democrat Joe Crowley in the primary. Before his defeat, Crowley was considered to be the speaker of the House if the Democrats took back the chamber in November, which they did. (Instead, Rep. Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco, who served as speaker from 2007-2011, got Giddle.)

This Beacon Of Hope Is Being Corrupted By The System”: The Battle For Alexandria Ocasio Cortez's Progressive Soul

The possibility of Ocasio-Cortez being a "primary" himself, like Crowley, does not seem to be lost on the members of the so-called "squad" of the New Democrats.

"I think everyone has the right [to go]," he said, according to the New York Post. "Obviously, I got my seat at the first level. I will never let anyone try to participate in the first level, I am committed to the organization."

"I think everyone has the right [to run for office]. Of course, I won my seat in the first place. I will never let anyone try to participate in the primary. I am committed to I'm organized." — U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY.

Aoc Reelection Odds

Ocasio-Cortez is considered hard to beat. In addition to national media attention, he raised more than $5.3 million by the end of 2019, according to

Dems Need More Difi, Less Aoc

But progressive lawmakers have also angered many Democrats — especially with their open hostility toward members of the party's so-called "establishment," the middle-class officials who hold power. -ideas of the party, and other progressive colleagues like them and support the candidates.

In January, Fox News reported that Ocasio-Cortez is launching a fundraising campaign for her running mate — a candidate who will compete with moderate incumbents in hopes of repeating her victory in Crowley.

In that effort, he reportedly refused to participate in the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the party's fundraising arm.

After the Fox News report aired, Ocasio-Cortez tried to downplay the situation by saying she remained a "proud" Democrat and a "team player."

Ocasio Cortez Slams Ny Democratic Party Leadership Over Election Results

But by June, at least a dozen Democrats are expected to join the team to replace Ocasio-Cortez — with the latest entry being former CNBC anchor Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, who is said to be running for on the 10th of February. at home. Congress's decision to veto New York's senior senator may depend on how it handles the new Democratic majority.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, up for re-election in 2022, is taking steps to insulate himself from a primary challenge from the left — especially from the biggest threat made by: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. | Maryam al-Tafar / Ap photo

Just weeks after a group of young climate activists, along with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, organized a major sit-in at Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office in late 2018, they received an email the Sunrise Action was expected from Chuck Schumer's staff.

Aoc Reelection Odds

Could angry protesters meet with the Senate minority leader? He wants to talk to them about his agenda if Democrats win the Senate, which includes climate change, democratic reform, and fighting economic and social inequality. - my tribe. His team soon asked for their support in a clean car proposal.

Aoc Has Already Changed D.c. It Hasn't Changed Her Much

Schumer's statement is likely no coincidence. New York, the former senator's home state, has been at the center of progressive efforts to oust incumbent Democrats in Congress. And Schumer, who is up for re-election in 2022, is taking steps publicly and privately to protect herself from a primary challenge from the left — especially from her biggest threat, Ocasio-Cortez.

At the time of the meeting, Ocasio-Cortez had just won her first victory. He has not taken the oath yet. But in the two years since, Schumer has thrown his weight behind a plan to eliminate student loans through an executive order. He voted against the US-Mexico-Canada Treaty. He said "nothing is off the table" about eliminating the filibuster. And that's just part of the forward movement he's done in recent years. That still didn't take him away from being the first.

"It will be interesting to see how Schumer reacts now," said Saikat Chakraborty, Ocasio-Cortez's former campaign manager. "And I hope that progressives continue to push that, potentially threatening the primaries."

With Schumer at the helm of the Senate, the challenge from the left in the coming year may play an important role in shaping the legislation coming out of Washington. This applies whether or not Ocasio-Cortez pulls the trigger at least for the next few months.

Watch Alexandria Ocasio Cortez And Elizabeth Warren On Trump, The Supreme Court, And The Election

The two-term lawmaker is seriously considering campaigning for the seat but has not yet made a decision, according to people familiar with her thinking. Multiple sources said his decision will depend on how Schumer fares with his new Democratic majority next month: Will he be fired by Mitch McConnell? Or work to pass progressive legislation that the left favors?

"It depends on what Schumer does," said Waleed Shahid, communications director for Democrats for Justice, a left-leaning group that recruited Ocasio-Cortez to run for Congress, pointing to a challenge from her. or other advanced candidates. "Schumer must explain every decision he makes to the most progressive primary voters in the country, and if voters think he agrees with Mitch McConnell and doesn't hold meetings for working families , he will have a problem."

Asked about the first challenge, her spokeswoman Lorraine Heath said: "The congresswoman represents one of the districts most affected by Covid and that remains her priority and focus."

Aoc Reelection Odds

Some progressive organizations with close ties to Ocasio-Cortez are taking a wait-and-see approach to the primary, which they say could come from her or another candidate if she decides to drop out of the campaign.

Deconstructed Podcast: Aoc And Mo Mitchell On The Midterms

"Whether it's worth the left spending so much energy on Chuck Schumer's primary in 2022 depends on what he does in 2021," said Evan Weber, political director of the Sunrise Movement. "We've seen a lot of progress from Schumer on a lot of issues, and if he continues to step up and really deliver for the Democrats and become the leader that we need right now, that's the biggest thing he can do." ever since. finished." You can. Avoid major efforts from the left in the primary next year.

For those on the left side of the party, the idea of ​​firing Schumer is painful in part because he is a member of the Democratic congressional leadership they believe has failed. His record includes votes in favor of the Iraq War and support for repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act — two issues that continue to heat up the left. Their hopes for a new approach have also grown more urgent over time — progressives recognize that Schumer is no centrist Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, but he's no FDR, and that's how they feel about the Covid. Economics and Achieving Racial Justice.

They will be watching Schumer closely to see if he can pull off a major stimulus package, pass climate and jobs legislation, and convince conservatives in his caucus to end the filibuster .

Schumer's allies say his approach to progressives is part of the relationship building he has always prioritized with constituencies, particularly in New York, and that his record reflects a general shift in of the Democratic Party in recent years. They are also troubled by the notion that the movement of the left is purely political. This politician, who sold himself as a "lawful and legal democrat", said last year that "the problems that existed in the 90s are different from the problems that exist today".

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Would Lose To Aoc In Primary: Ex Staffer

In her first televised interview since becoming Senate majority leader — which she gave to MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, she listened to the liberal base — Schumer called for sweeping legislation. .

"America needs bold change. We need bold change now," he said. “We have covid, the worst health care

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